The C'mon Get Aff Bus Tour of Gorbals Oct 22, 2016

Step right up and get your tickets for the very first Gorbals tour bus trip.

Southern Necropolis Action Group, in partnership with Glasgow Life and Gorbals History Group, are giving you the chance to see the historic sights in an area not covered by the City Centre tours.

Experience expert guided walks around historic sights such as the Southern Necropolis and the Gorbals Rose Garden, while also taking in the changing landscape of the Gorbals from the open air bus.

Come along to this unique experience on Saturday 22nd October. The tour starts at 1pm and should last approximately three hours. Tickets are £7 per person, and are limited availability.

They can be collected from the Southern Necropolis on Sundays from 12pm - 2pm, or alternatively you can contact Natalie at New Gorbals Housing Association. Call 0141 429 3900, email or pop into the office for more details.