Weigh To Go Feb 05, 2016

If you, or someone you know, is aged 12 - 18 and could benefit from a weight management programme, Weigh To Go may be the answer.

This NHS service is for young people who are overweight, and want to learn how to lead a healthier lifestyle. The programme is funded by British Heart Foundation, and aims to help teenagers manage their weight.

For those under 16, referrals can be made by parents and guardians, school nurses, GPs and teachers. Those 16 and over can refer themselves to the project.

You must be 12 - 18 years of age, live in Glasgow, and be overweight with a desire to lose weight.

There are limited places, so book now by calling 0141 531 8718. You can also call this number to find out more information about the service.

A free gym membership will also be provided for members 14 and over.