
As Factor, the Association will carry out common repairs.  Common repairs include repairs to the roof, the close, the backcourt, communal unadopted lighting, unadopted roads and footpaths, communal TV and satellite systems.

Owners of townhouses should note that the common repairs service does not apply to their properties as they have no common parts to their property.

To report a common repair, contact us by phone on 0141 429 3900 during office hours,by email, or visiting the office.

Our maintenance team aim to provide owners with an efficient and high quality common repairs service and to meet relevant legal and safety requirements.

There are three categories of repair, each with a target timescale. These timescales are not contractual but do provide us with challenging targets to reach in delivery of the service. The categories and timescales are:

Emergency Repairs - Attendance within 4 hours

As Factor, the Association will only deal directly with emergency repairs required within common areas or to the common parts of the building.

An emergency is when there is a risk to health, safety or security or where delay could cause significant damage to the building.

This could include gas leak, fire, flood, serious storm damage, power failure or water penetration.

For the avoidance of doubt, communal TV/satellite repairs and door entry systems are not classified as emergencies.

To report an emergency common repair that happens when our office is open, contact us on 0141 429 3900.

At other times use the Emergency Repairs service on 0800 783 7937.

Please note that this Emergency Repairs service number is for emergencies only and can only deal with common repairs.

In the event of an emergency repair required within your home (for example, no heating or hot water) then it is your own responsibility to organise the repair.

However, in certain cases, an emergency repair could be insurable. For example, damage caused by flooding or fire.

If repairs cannot be completed on the first visit, we will do a temporary repair to make it safe and then complete the job as soon as possible.

In extreme circumstances, it may be impossible to meet this target timescale. For example, during stormy weather or a full scale power failure when repair work may not be able to be safely undertaken.

In some cases an emergency repair could be insurable.  For example, damage caused by flooding or fire.

The insurer is currently Avid. In the event of an insurable emergency you can contact Questgates Loss Adjusters on 0121 411 0535 who will be able to assist.  Please note this line is for owners who pay their buildings insurance premium to the Association.  For your Policy number please refer to your Written Statement of Service.

Urgent Repairs - Completion within 3 working days

This is where owners suffer serious loss of a facility or where delay will cause further deterioration. Examples include problems with door entry systems, communal TV systems and minor electrical faults.

In some cases this target response time will not be met due to longer order times on specialised parts and equipment.

Routine Repairs - Completion within 10 working days

If there is no serious inconvenience to owners or harm to the common areas repairs are dealt with as routine. These could include things like a missing roof tile, minor leak to gutters and plaster repair to close walls.

In some cases the 10 working day target timescale will not be met. This would be the case if we were required to hire specialist equipment such as a 'cherry picker' or erect scaffolding to carry out a routine roofing or guttering repair. In cases such as these the Association may decide to 'batch' repairs to ensure that common works costs are kept to a minimum for owners.